Friday, October 7, 2011

Franken Fan's Monster

Dealing with a failed primary processor fan in an antiquated Compaq (before HP was with them) ProLiant 5500 server is way more fun than one person should be allowed to have in a week. So I feel blessed and lucky. The refurb we obtained didn't work, so I had to take matters into my own hands and build "Franken Fan's Monster."

What I ended up with was a 120mm case fan and some connectors (from Fry's) for cooling and some jumper wires (stolen from a torn apart Cat5 patch cable). The jumpers (orange/orange-white) run from the connector in the Compaq fan into the connector for the new fan at strategic locations for fan speed detection. Don't ya just love all the wires sticking up? I'm almost afraid to put the cover back on it because it's working so well.

Thanks to all those who helped and made suggestions!!!
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Can You See Me Now?

For my MGMT 4650 - International Management of IT class (Hi, Dr. Cline!!), one of our major topics is innovation and the steps that individuals (or other decision making parties) go through as they are learning about, deciding to use, and then using any innovation. A homework question this week was to consider an innovation we had recently adopted and to discuss each of the 5 steps in the process in light of the adoption of that innovation.
I picked the reflective patch I attached to my backpack to make me more visible at night when I'm on my motorcycle. Above is the jacket further away so it can be seen that it's a jacket and then closer so all that's really visible is the reflectors that are part of the jacket. Below is a picture of the backpack with the new reflective patch worn with the jacket. I got the patch at the spring motorcycle show at the North Atlanta Trade Center.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Little Baby Blue

Somewhere along the way there wasn't a post when I acquired my pretty blue toy back in March. My Little Baby Blue is a 2008 Kawasaki Ninja 250R. I'm loving it. Since the picture was taken, we've had it lowered 2" to give me flat foot versus the balls of my toes.

Monday, June 6, 2011

What an Adventure!!

I'm a little late in posting this, but thought I'd share anyway. Most people I'm close to know that I was in Hawaii the last week in May. We were on Oahu the whole time, and let me just say that it was breathtakingly gorgeous. I loved it. The views, the clean air, the cheap sushi!!

So, anybody who knows me pretty much knows that I have an aversion to being submerged in water. As it turns out, clear blue-green ocean isn't as horrifying to me on a rare trip to Hawaii as one would've originally thought. Though the first wave was a bit chilly!! The novelty here is me being in the water at all. :-P

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Post I Made on Another Blog

I have edited it some here due to the change in posting location:
I just found a blog that I posted a comment on and it has provoked me. The topic was, Are you what you read? I have been an avid reader all my life. I was born into a home full of books and have maintained that myself. In recent years I've added audiobooks and ebooks to the ranks, but still I read. Last year I read 146 books (according to my tracker on That's an average of 1 book every 2.5 days. This year I don't know that I'll get the opportunity to read that many. I do know that I'm going to work toward better multitasking. I plan to move more of my reading to the cardio machines. Maybe I can take the audiobooks on my Zune to the weight machines with me. Workouts are such a solitary thing, much like reading. And I tend to always find reasons not to do the workouts and end up laying around reading instead. Why not combine them?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Comes to Georgia

This is my driveway this morning. I suspect I'm not going far today. =P

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Friday, December 31, 2010

Enuff Ducks?

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