Sunday, February 14, 2010

As seen in Wal-Mart tonight

One wonders if maybe someone might wet themselves upon finding the bank closed early on a Friday evening when going to cash their paycheck?

Sent from my Windows Mobile phone

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cheerio Blogging

So yesterday I started a new weight loss diet using the SparkPeople site. It's a really cool site with lots of resources. Of particular interest to me was the menu plans based on the caloric intake range the site established with the information I provided. I "diet' much better when I'm being told what to eat. What's weird is that given a framework of a menu, I'm able to run with changes just fine and eat like I should. So anyway, today was Cheerios with blueberries. They said use fresh but all I had was frozen and blueberries aren't in season (read $$$). I thawed out my frozen blueberries and set them on top of my Cheerios before I added the milk. I was entertained enough by the blotchy purple Cheerios in the purple milk that I had to take a picture to share. ;)

Next week I start the fitness portion of my weight loss plan. Wish me luck!!
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