Monday, September 28, 2009

Our Ride Down the Mountain Yesterday

Yesterday turned out to be a beautiful day and our ride through the mountains was really awesome. I just LOVE the handling of the MINI Cooper!! I can hardly wait to take it out like that again. We went on some really nice twisty roads in Northeast Tennessee and the little edge of Virginia there. (We saw "Welcome to Tennessee" signs but never knew we'd left....are we not welcome in Virginia?)

We did have one mishap, which was fortunately not a catastrophe. DH's friend C and girlfriend M were on the last motorcycle of 4, which I was following in the MINI. We came through major hairpin turn going downhill and C didn't lean as much as he should've out of fear of scaring M on the back of his bike. This proved a bad decision as the bike left the road. He fought it valiantly (see C, I'm praising you here!!) and kept from going over the edge where there was a pretty steep incline. However, when the front tire of the bike caught traction on the pavement again, the bike was sideways and flung both riders off the high side, still fortunately not down the incline. M is beat up and bruised hip, shoulder, and jaw (where I think her shoulder must've crashed her when she hit the ground), but that's about it. C appeared yesterday to have little more than a wounded pride and a fear that he'd "never live this one down". He may be feeling the impact in bones and joints today. Both were wearing proper gear. I didn't get any pictures of the bike on the ground because I was tending to the wounded M and the bike was pouring fuel down the hill so we wanted to get it up quickly.

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