Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ended up at Ru San's in Midtown

So yesterday evening, our plans to spontaneously attend the roller derby were disrupted by sell-out ticket conditions. We decided to go "a-roaming". Our friend J decided that he didn't want to participate in such aimlessness and stayed home. While roaming about inside the perimeter with me finishing reading The Vampire Lestat to DH, I started getting text messages from a different friend J who was also "a-roaming". He suggested we go to Ru San's in Midtown since we'd never been there and it was sushi in a fun environment. He did not meet us there, but we thought "sure, why not".
It was definitely different. It was a rather loud establishment that reached fever pitch for about five minutes whenever there was a birthday to announce. The place was bustling with at least a dozen sushi chefs behind stainless counters. They had a crowded dining room with tables and sushi bar seating, and an outdoor balcony overlooking Piedmont Road. The menu was sizable (the menu in the link is a little outdated as far as pricing but looks pretty complete for content). The service was great. The food was great. We'll definitely be going back, especially if we have someone from out of town to take.

1 comment:

eerye70 said...

That seems like an insane amount of food. I love sushi. Don't eat it very often but i love it. wish we had some interesting places like that here. We probably do, but is on the other side of town and we avoid that side like the plague due to stupid traffic and stupid drivers and crime.